Help With Alzheimer’s Disease


help with alzheimers

Alzheimer’s disease is playing a greater role in Americans’ lives as they age. At the same time, however, considerable strides are being made in a variety of medical fields that are helping researchers to better understand the causes of Alzheimer’s. For example, new studies have illustrated the importance of sleep in patients with Alzheimer’s, after a link was discovered between sleep deprivation and an increased level of beta-amyloid proteins. Beta-amyloids are connected with Alzheimer’s, making this a major leap forward in doctors’ understanding of the various factors which play a role in the disease. If you or a loved one is facing Alzheimer’s disease, here are a few ways to find help.

Do your research

Understanding any disease is the first step in facing it, and Alzheimer’s is no different. And alzheimer’s brain is frequently mischaracterized or misunderstood because of the portrayals of Alzheimer’s in popular culture and media. This makes it even more important to find a trustworthy source such as the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation if you want to understand the condition inside and out. Using a resource like the Fisher Center can also offer you more information about caregiving options, how the disease is diagnosed, and what sorts of advancements in treatment have been made. These sorts of websites also list a variety of health and wellness measures to take if preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia are your goal. Having a clear and well-researched collection of pieces on the benefits of exercise, a heart-healthy diet, and even proper dental hygiene can be incredibly helpful when it comes to forming a plan of action to face your disease.

Talk to a psychiatrist

Speaking with a psychiatrist can be good for you regardless of whether or not you have Alzheimer’s; however, if you or a loved one is facing this condition, therapy can be even more beneficial. Some of the most common side effects of Alzheimer’s disease include mood and personality changes as well as a decline in cognitive faculties and memory. All of these issues can have a pronounced negative effect on your mental health and emotional well-being. Thus, finding a psychiatrist in New York or whichever city you live in can be critical for you to keep a positive attitude as you fight your disease. If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s, you may also be dealing with feelings of anxiety or depression. Being able to talk through these emotions can be a major boon when it comes to staying positive and helping your partner or family member.

Ask your doctor about clinical trials

Scientists and medical professionals alike are working diligently to try to find a cure for Alzheimer’s. While there is a growing body of research that suggests a variety of factors that play a role in the condition, it may still be a while before a true cure is fully tested and on the market. Even so, clinical trials do pop up now and then, promising a way to address the effects of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s patients. Blood tests are getting closer and closer to discovering markers, and one day a vaccine for Alzheimer’s may even be found. If you’re interested in getting involved in a clinical trial for Alzheimer’s disease and understand some of the side effects of such trials, your doctor may be able to connect you with researchers looking for patients.

Affecting close to 5 million Americans alone, Alzheimer’s can be as emotionally taxing on an individual and their family as it can be mentally exhausting. Still, you have find resources to assist if you or a loved one is dealing with the neurodegenerative effects of this disease. Do your research, talk to your doctor, and don’t write off speaking with a therapist if you’re looking for ways to cope with your condition.