Does Medicare Cover Medical Marijuana or CBD Oil?


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As we get older, we tend to develop more and more health-related troubles. Not only are we more prone to diseases as we age, but we also tend to experience more afflictions that just come with age (pain, issues with basic functions like sleeping or anxiety, etc.). This may lead us to want to seek a more natural way to control our symptoms with fewer side effects.

With all the hype surrounding medical marijuana and CBD oil in recent years, it’s understandable that a lot of us are curious if it could help us with whatever is ailing us currently. And then, we often wonder about how to cover the costs. I mean, if it’s being used to treat a medical condition, shouldn’t it be covered by our medical insurance?

Specifically, would it be covered by Medicare? Medicare is medical insurance through the state for people 65 and over or for people with certain disabilities. According to the AARP, roughly 15 percent of the United States population (or, 44 million people) are currently enrolled in a Medicare program. They also note that this number is expected to rise by 79 million people by 2030.

By checking out quotes for Medicare insurance from Easy Medicare we can find the best coverage for our needs. Health insurance is vital (especially as we age), but so is our quality of life, which CBD oils may very well help us with.

Does Medicare Cover Medical Marijuana Or CBD Oil?

When it comes to medical marijuana, we often hear about people suffering from cancer using it for symptom management. This can lead us to think that it may be covered under certain medical insurance plans. However, for many insurance providers, this isn’t the case at all. They say that it doesn’t matter if a doctor has written a prescription for medical marijuana, Medicare still won’t cover it. This is because marijuana is not yet legal on the federal level.

When it comes to CBD oil, we may think our medical coverage is more likely to cover it since there is little to no “high” with this route.  However, according to, although there is scientific evidence to suggest CBD oil’s abilities in symptom management for multiple health issues, CBD oil is NOT covered currently due to the fact that it is not legal on the federal level yet (much like medical marijuana). 

However, they do suggest that it is likely that once the FDA has legalized the use that they may offer financial assistance when it is medically necessary. Also, Medicare does sometimes cover costs for the drug Epidiolex (which contains CBD). However, this drug is used primarily in rare forms of epilepsy so it’s only beneficial to those suffering from those conditions. However, the willingness to cover an FDA-approved drug (even one containing CBD) does give hope to the possibility of future coverage.  

What Are The Options To Get CBD Oil?

Even though we would be hard-pressed to find an insurance plan that will cover the costs of these alternative treatment options, there are still all kinds of ways to buy hemp oil. Plus, there are multiple health benefits (some of which are even proven by scientific evidence and supported by doctors).

For example, according to an article published in Harvard Health Publishing earlier this year, Dr. Peter Grinspoon says that CBD oil can be beneficial in treating everyday ailments. He notes its effectiveness in treating issues such as insomnia, anxiety, inflammation, and chronic pain with minimal side effects. Other sources also note the benefits of treating depression, acne, and increasing feelings of vitality.